I can smell the black, sticky rubber
moving further away
Covered in exhaust - exhaustion
Breathing hard through the fumes - fuming
If only I were a tree, I could understand
roots - rooting for stability
Covered in leaves - for leaving
I still wouldn't get enough oxygen
Left in the in between
Like a sunset - a hum of yellow
Yellow like the sting of a bee - just being
Will it ever be light enough to see
I swim to the bottom of the ocean
trying to find something to grasp.
Grasping at plastic straws - reuse me
And throw me back in so I can search again - gasping
I would never fit in your boat.
But, save me - life jacket, straight jacket, yellow jacket
Waves crash - the sound of crushing metal
Bringing me back to the sidewalk - crushed
Hold me to the air
Let me feel the wind – I am winded
Like a bluebird feather that catches the beat - like suede shoes
Dancing on your rooftop - but no answer
I open a new door.
The way to my own salvation - almost salvaged
My own raft - anchored like a pine tree - pining
for the depths of my soul
But, still, as the wind blows steady - I steady myself
for your scents that linger. Cents and pennies -
not worth anything. . . but everything.
I must move through them - the fee to feeling, again.
I remember the memories you let go.
They blow through the wheat fields of dreams
They stick in the corners of my brain like pollen – I am cornered
Stuck in amber. I tuck myself in.
Amber waves
of fields turned to rivers - they wave goodbye
and wash away your worth.
Just pennies and scents.